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Block strengths table

HowIn strongUnited Factions everything is obsidian?raidable. There are no unraidable bases.

However there are blocks that can make raiding a little harder for an attacker / enemy. This is it really true it can withstand the blaststable of a TNT block impact? Yes it is indeed! But.. nothing is unbreakable ;) The endurance of obsidian is set to a certainand amount of impacts.blasts it takes to blow up a wall fortified with these materials.


willdefendyour raid,howeveritwillstilltodestroyyourdefences. 


Block baseTypeAmount of TNT shotsFurther info
Any type of brick block, stonebrick etc.2This includes stone brick, decorated bricks etc.
Any type of concrete block3This includes any colour of concrete blocks.
Bricks5Bricks are quite sturdy against aTNT
Obsidian 25 Yep beobsidian, possiblealmost forindestructible abut raidingnot factionimpossible!
Crying obsidianObsidian 40 Crying minimum impacts obsidian can take is set to 10 TNT blasts beforeobsidian, the obsidianstrongest finallymaterial breaksafter intobedrock!

Visualization of defensive bricks:
